UI Libraries

I'm currently using React-Bootstrap as my UI library. At least, that is the library that I am importing in most of my components. I'm not actually making much use of it at the moment, but that's the plan.

However, I would also like to use Material UI. Actually, I would like to use Material UI instead of Bootstrap, because I like it better. Only, because of the way UI libraries work, the more I integrate Bootstrap, the harder it will be to switch to another UI later. I'm trying to keep all my Bootstrap changes in one branch (bootstrap), and switch to development branch any time I make a non-UI-related change. Which means I have to keep rebasing development onto bootstrap, so I don't lose anything important.

Why don't I just drop Bootstrap and start using MUI right now? Well, I tried that a few months ago, and ended up deleting the branch because I got stuck and had to revert back to development to make it compile again. So I'm hesitant to go down that road again. Still, I really like the look and feel of MUI, plus I think it's easier to customize. So, making that change is still on my list of things to do.


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