DRYing out

I just did a coding challenge that involved making a component and then testing it with Storybook. Which reminded me how much I love Storybook. So I started using it in my project. Which reminded me that I'm not really following Best Practices with my components. Basically, my FilteredGallery component is way too big - it's more of a page than a component. It contains all the other components used for displaying artwork. Which is not optimal design.

Ideally, I want an Artwork page that contains the following components:

  • A list of albums (where each image is in exactly one album)
  • A filtering tool that uses tags (which is what I currently have as the album list)
  • A thumbnail gallery, for showing the images returned by the filter or album
  • A carousel
  • An image display
  • An info panel with purchase options and links
The thumbnail gallery and carousel can be part of the same component - that's probably easier, because they need to be synchronized. And the info panel can be a child of the image display (or they can both be children of another component). But having all that stuff be part of a single component is not DRY enough, even if I'm not planning on reusing any of the components in the current project.


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