
My design team and I just presented our work thus far at a little GA event, hosted by Kate Lodder. Beginning with SEI-02, Outcomes now encourages work on post-graduate projects, and today was the first presentation.

We were the only group - everyone else did projects on their own. Which continues to baffle me; no one is ever going to hire you to create a full stack application by yourself, so why are we getting practice working alone?

Anyway, the site currently looks like this: cantimaginewhy.

Current features/things that are working:

  • Carousel of favorites on Homepage
  • Minimal info on About page
  • Contact page has form
  • Artwork page has working
    • filters
    • gallery
    • image detail
    • image zoom with watermark
    • indication of pieces for sale, sometimes with price shown
  • No search bar
Things that are missing/not working (compared with UX mockup):
  • Homepage carousel is sub-optimal & does not resemble mockup Homepage
  • No Shop page (commented out of menu because it contains nothing)
  • Contact form is present but nonfunctional
  • Artwork gallery image detail:
    • no working purchase links, on account of not having implemented Printful


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