Architecture, like design, is not my favorite part. (One might wonder if I actually have any favorite parts; and if not, why on earth would I decide on software as a career field? All good questions.) Unfortunately, you have to make some decisions about architecture before you start coding, and they have to be good decisions. Otherwise you're going to waste a lot of time going down rabbit holes (trust me, not my first rodeo). The number one requirement of my site is that it needs to cost me nothing to operate. I'm willing to spend up to $20/year on domain registration, but that's it (see Site History ). Which means the only commercial technologies I'm going to be using are the ones that offer a free tier that is sufficient for my needs. Luckily, everything is scalable nowadays, so if I end up using too much bandwidth because my site is inexplicably popular, I can always upgrade. So, for starters, I'm going to deploy my front-end on GitHub's GH...